Monday 14 January 2013


An example of broadcast media is the TV as they show what is going to happen in a series or program and also give audience members the music and sounds which are commonly needed in order to understand what a certain program or episode etc. is going to be about and is most probably going to be based on.

Media prints such as magazines are extremely entertaining and informative for individuals. This is because as well as giving gossip and information about what is going on around the world with celebs, singers etc. Magazines also inform individuals about media  This is done through printing TV guides, song information, what is going on in the news and TV right now, film information etc. This usually gives individuals an idea of what they are looking for and whether they are fully interested and if they are they are most likely to watch the program/film etc or read on or research on the things that they have found out.

Examples of E-media and things such as emails. Media through emails is very effective nowadays as technology is more commonly being used compared to previously. Also many people check their emails much more, therefore they will see the media through their emails faster than through any other way. This is because near about everyone receive emails through to their phones therefore wherever they are and when ever it is they will be able to view the emails where as through tv and magazines it is harder to view media as many people do not always stay at home and also the purchases on magazines have decreased on a large scale. The most common reason for this is that people now use their phones to do and view everything.

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